1. Chords Only 2. Broken Chords (Alberti Bass) 3. Vamps 4. Bass Moves from Root to Fifth 5. Rock, Blues or Boogie 6. A: Walking Bass B: Country Style 7. A: Rock Variation B: Walking Blues 8. A/B: Swing Bass C: Latin Beat D: Jazz Beat 9. 3/4 Time 10. Jazz Waltz 11. Root and Fifth in Eighth Notes 12. Arpeggios 13. Chords in 3/4 14. More Variations in 3/4 15. Chord Changes to Practice 16. Chord Changes with Fingering 17. Chords in 2/4 Time 18. More 2/4 Time 19. 6/8 Time 20. Two Chord Changes in a Bar
Frankie and Johnny - Version 1 Frankie and Johnny - Version 2 My Children, My Wife You're Not Alone Jungle Rock and Roll
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